Tips For Preparing For A Supply Chain Management Interview

If you are looking into entering the field of supply chain management or you are trying to switch jobs, you are going to need to undergo one or more rigorous interview processes before you are able to get your dream job. Here are some tips for preparing for a supply chain management interview.

1. Know the Company

This applies to any interview experience that you might be having, but it is especially important for supply chain management interviews. Companies that specialize in helping companies get their goods to stores all over the world don't have time for mistakes and by showing that you know about the company itself, you will show that you are less likely to make mistakes. For example, figure out the type of software that the company uses and make sure that you familiarize yourself with it before the interview. Look up the companies that are currently using this particular supply chain company and make sure that you know enough about these clients so that you are able to talk about potential problems that they might have getting their goods to other stores, as well as tips for fixing it. Finally, be sure that you are able to speak intelligently about the focus of the company. Some supply chain companies might have a focus on cutting costs for their clients. Other supply chain companies might put a special emphasis on speed. You can find out what the company at which you are interviewing's focus is by looking at their mission statement.

2. Have an Example of the Largest Procurement You Have Managed to Get

Next, be sure that you have an example of a procurement that you were responsible for or some change ideas that you had for a supply chain that ended up getting implemented. Having these examples down will allow you to glide through two of the more common interview questions with ease, as well as show the interviewer what you are capable of. When discussing a procurement or change to the supply chain, make sure that you can talk specifics. How long did it take for you to get the procurement or for your idea to be put into effect? How much money did it cost upfront? How much money did you end up making the company or saving the company? Do your best to get hard figures for these questions.

For more information, talk to a supply chain recruiting company. 
