Tips To Help Your Preschooler To Follow Directions

Preschoolers minds work about a mile a minute (kind of like their little feet). It can be difficult to get them to stop, listen and absorb information, and actually follow instructions/directions -- even if they are something simple like "wash your hands and dry them." Once your child gets to preschool, they should be able to follow directions, but at home it may feel like a different story. See below for helpful tips to get your preschooler to listen and follow directions.

Ask For Their Attention

This may seem like a no-brainer, but just calling out a child's name and then telling them what you want them to do may not exactly work. You have to get their attention, and ask them to look at your face when you talk to them. Be sure to minimize distractions when doing so, or they could be looking at you, but listening to other children playing, the television, the radio, the dog outside barking, etc.

Speak In A Quiet Voice

Talk to your child in a quiet voice, even a whisper. Kids like to speak in a whisper voice, and it may feel like a game to them. Talking in a louder voice, an angry voice, or trying to talk over them isn't going to do anything but upset your child and you.

Repeat And Ask If They Understand

Wait a few seconds after giving your child directions, then repeat them again to them. Ask your child if they understand, and even have them repeat the directions to you. This will let you know if they heard you properly and were able to process the instructions.

Keep Directions Simple

Preschoolers can only process so many steps, so try to keep the instructions clear and simple. Don't tell them a four or five step set of instructions. Give them a two-step set of instructions, then add more instructions after the first two steps have been completed.

Use Visuals

If possible, use pictures or visual reminders to help. Preschoolers sometimes do better with visual reminders, rather than with just auditory reminders. Using a chart to help them remember a schedule such as to help them get dressed in the morning, or to help with hand washing. It saves you from repeating yourself, and helps make your preschooler feel more independent.

Young children take time to process directions, so don't get too upset if it takes them a few times to get something right. Again, their minds are working a mile a minute. To learn more, contact a company like Wooden Shoe Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten
