Seven Good Reasons To Send Your Child To A Religious School

With public schools around the United States facing increasing funding problems, more and more parents are turning to alternative education options, such as homeschooling, charter schools, online schools and schools affiliated with religious organizations. While religious schools aren't a new phenomenon, they are becoming more and more popular. In 2015, more than five million U.S. students attended Christian schools and those affiliated with other religious organizations.

It's not difficult to understand why. Christian and other religious schools help to reinforce the religious teaching a student gets at home and at church. However, that's just one of several good reasons to choose a religious school for your kids.

1. Textbooks and classroom material match your family's values. One of the chief benefits to sending your kids to a religious school is that the coursework will reflect your family's and your religion's values. If you don't condone dancing, some kinds of music, premarital sex and other common cultural norms, you don't have to worry about your home teaching being contradicted in the classroom.

2. A safer environment. While any school has potential conduct problems, a religious school is more likely to be a safe and nuturing environment than a public school, since strong character and moral conduct are part of the cirricula.

3. More individual attention. Class sizes at private, religious schools tend to be smaller than at publicly-funded city schools. That means your children will get more attention from the teachers.

4. Less negative peer pressure. Since all (or most) of the students at a religious school are raised with similar values, there is less chance of negative peer pressure or bullying in a religious school.

5. Higher graduation rate. Religious schools (and private schools in general) boast higher graduation rates than most public schools. That translates into greater opportunities and higher income as your child moves through life.

6. Specialized courses not available at public schools. Another advantage of opting for a religious school is that there are likely more course available than at the local public school. This can help your child stay interested in school as well as be prepared for the advanced courses they will find when they enter college.

7. Greater leadership training. Yet another benefit of choosing a Christian or other religious school is such school's ability to attract top quality teachers and administrators, men and women who can be good mentors and role models for your children, helping them to grow into good church, business and civic leaders.

While a religious school, like New Hope Christian Academy & Early Learning Center, isn't necessarily the right choice for every family. such schools will reinforce your home values, provide a safer environment for your kids and allow your kids to have more individual attention from the instructors.
