Everything You Need To Know About Psycho-Educational Evaluations

If your school has approached you about having a psycho-educational evaluation on your child, don't be alarmed. Here's what you need to know:

What are psycho-educational evaluations?

Psycho-educational evaluations, sometimes called psych-ed evals or neuropsychs, are a type of psychological assessment that is typically used to help identify learning disabilities or other academic difficulties. These evaluations often involve administering intelligence and achievement tests, as well as assessing students' academic skills and abilities. Psycho-educational evaluations can be very helpful in designing an educational plan, like an IEP or 504 plan, that meets the unique needs of each student.

What is the process of a psycho-educational evaluation?

The process of a psycho-educational evaluation typically begins with a referral from a school or other professional. A comprehensive assessment is then conducted, which may include intelligence testing, academic achievement testing, and assessments of social/emotional functioning and behavior. After the assessment is complete, a report is written that includes recommendations for educational placements and/or interventions.

What are the benefits of a psycho-educational evaluation?

Psycho-educational evaluations can be very beneficial in helping to identify students who have learning disabilities or other academic difficulties. These evaluations can also be helpful in designing educational plans that meet the unique needs of each student.

Psycho-educational evaluations can also be beneficial for students who are struggling in school but do not have a diagnosed learning disability. These evaluations can help identify the root cause of the academic difficulties and make recommendations for interventions or accommodations that can help the student succeed.

How do you know if your child needs a psycho-educational evaluation?

If your child is struggling in school, has been diagnosed with a learning disability, or has been recommended for special education services, a psycho-educational evaluation may be warranted. These evaluations can be very helpful in identifying the cause of academic difficulties and making recommendations for educational placements and/or interventions.

Can you request a psycho-educational evaluation?

Parents or guardians can request a psycho-educational evaluation for their child. However, it is important to note that not all schools will agree to conduct an evaluation. If your child has been diagnosed with a learning disability or has been recommended for special education services, you may want to consider requesting a psycho-educational evaluation.

If you have any questions about whether or not a psycho-educational evaluation is right for your child, please consult with a school psychologist or other qualified professional. To learn more about psycho-education evaluations, contact a local clinic.
