How To Have Special Sleepovers With Your Grandchildren

Some people have said that being a grandparent is so much fun that they should have skipped being a parent and gotten right into the grand parenting business! If you're one of those individuals that just can't wait to have your grandkids over to spend the night, you just might have that same philosophy. From crafts to story telling, here are some ideas that might help you make some pretty special memories for the precious little ones you love so much.

Crafts - Little ones usually love having busy little hands. And, if they can take something home to Mommy and Daddy, that fun becomes even more meaningful. Here's an idea for you that will be easy and fun for the kids, and they'll end up with a pretty professional-looking mini-gift for parents. Go to the home goods store and buy some small tiles, about two inches by two inches. You'll also need some white glue and some strong magnets. Now help your grandkids trace around the tile onto attractive paper and, using blunt scissors, help them cut where they've traced. The next step is really gooey and fun! Using the white glue, get the kids to paste the picture onto the tile and then show them how to rub more glue onto the top of the picture. After it dries, adhere it to the magnet with strong adhesive and - presto! - they have a cute magnet for parents to put on the refrigerator back at home.

Treats - Of course, treats are a highlight at Grandpa and Grandma's house. If they get to make the treats with you, that makes it even better. Here are a couple of treats that need no cooking, making them very safe for the children to make. You're going to help the kids make tiny banana sandwiches. Using a plastic serrated knife, show them how to cut bananas into slices that are about 3/4 of an inch wide. Then set out stuff like hazelnut-chocolate spread, flavored cream cheese, peanut butter, jelly, and anything else that's sweet. After they have made an assortment of banana stacks, let them top them off with colored candy sprinkles. Delicious!

Bedtime - Oh, the glory of curling up in bed or on the sofa to read stories together. Buy personal stories online! And, when you begin to read stories that are all about your grandchildren, you'll truly surprise them. You'll need to supply the children's names, the names of pets, playmates and other information that the producers of the books can use to make the storybooks all about your little grandkids. You'll be surprised at how affordable the books are. Every penny you spend will be worth the money, as those storybooks will be read over and over again. And, part of the fun will be listening to stories about their brothers and sisters, too. They'll think you're magic, and you'll definitely be a hero.

Don't forget to take lots of pictures of your sleepover adventures. At one of those events turn the pictures into a scrapbook that will also be fun for bedtime reading.
